Online shop for Pioneer House hand printed letterpress illustrated cards and small prints.
2 DESERT SCENE PrintsCactus, Agave, Creosote, Prickly Pear, Saguaro
2 DESERT SCENE PrintsCactus, Agave, Creosote, Prickly Pear, Saguaro
You get a set of 2 Desert Scene hand printed linoleum cuts by Lee Marchalonis. Both prints are vertical landscapes: #1 features a saguaro cactus, agave, and a creosote bush, #2 features a prickly pear cactus, an ocotillo, and a palo verde tree. Hand-carved and relief printed, this lino cut is surrounded by an antique wood border. Each design is centered on an 11"x14" sheet of recycled natural color card stock.
If you are unfamiliar with this process here is a description of how it was made:
The illustration is carved in reverse on 3 different blocks (1 for each press run). Lee carefully hand mixed her inks for two beautiful ink blend rolls. The first fades from orange to yellow for that sunset in the sky. The second subtlety fades from light green to darker green. The prints were finished with a third run in a brown ink overprint.
You can also buy just one of the series - search desert scene in my shop.
Thanks for looking. Julie B.
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