Online shop for Pioneer House hand printed letterpress typographic cards and prints.
BESOS 20 Petite Minis Cards
BESOS 20 Petite Minis Cards
If you are obsessed with typography you will love these tiny "BESOS" (Espanol for Kisses) letterpress cards in assorted colors. You get a pack of 20 flat cards that are hand printed from extra condensed serif wood type on 100% recycled papers. They are blank on the back for you to write a sweet note as a gift enclosure. There are many color combinations and you will get an lovely assortment of paper & ink colors.
MINI SIZE = 2-1/4"x3-3/4"
FYI the US post office does not like this size, too small, not recommended for mailing.
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©1997-present {Pioneer House of Letterpress & Design/Yee Haw Industries}
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